Academic Facility Reservations
Building Manager
Control of Academic Spaces
Facility Rental Agreement Form
Rental Charges and Security Deposits
Chair and Teacher Related Resources
Following is a description of numerous teacher-related responsibilities.
Advancement in Rank and Continuous Appointment
Expense Report – Travel Authorization, etc.
Faculty Peer Evaluation Form
Filling Faculty Vacancies
January Report
Off Campus Educational Experience – Tours, Field Trip, Practicum
Request for Employment of Part-time or Contract Teachers
Request for Faculty Services Off Campus
Student Opinion of Teaching
Risk Management Travel Policy
Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement for Day Trip
Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement for Multiple Day Trips Classes & Groups
Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement for Overnight Trips
Course and Class Schedule Related Duties
Scheduling of department courses is the responsibility of the chair after consultation with the faculty.
Academic Dishonesty/Integrity Policy and Report
Cancellation of Course Offerings
Course Syllabi
Curricular Changes in Programs and Course Offerings
Off-Campus Educational Experiences
Request for Schedule Change
Financial Management Duties
The financial operations for Andrews University are conducted annually between May 1 to April 30 on the basis of a budget recommended by the president and voted by the Andrews University Board of Trustees. The department chair is responsible for making departmental operations stay within the allocated budget.
Budget Worksheet
Financial Statements
Inter-Department Charge Voucher-IDC
Loss Control Procedures
Payroll Reports
Professional Membership Reimbursement Form
Purchase Requisitions and Capital Expenditures
Graduate Program
Advancement to Candidacy with Course Check Sheet
Change of Status Form
Completion of Comprehensive Exam
Completion of Project
Course Change/Course Update Request
Graduate Petition
Provisional Status Action Plan
Transfer Credit Form
Registration, Graduation, and Records Office Forms
This section describes a number of duties of the chair that are related to registration procedures, recording of grades, requiremetns for graduation, requests for credit-by-examination, and other considerations.
Application for 33% Tuition Reduction
Application for Graduation
Change in Registration Form, Drop/Add Form
Class Conflict Form
Class Roster
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
Credit-by-Examination Brochure
Credit-by-Examination Form
Curriculum Advising and Program Planning (CAPP)
Grade Report
Incomplete Contracts in iVue
Instructor Approval Card (Independent Study or Blue Card)
Petition Form (Academic)
Request for Grade Change
Student Exit Procedure Form (Dropping out of School)
Transcript Request
Miscellaneous Forms and Information
Departmental Meetings
Duplicating Policy for Andrews University
Examination Rescheduling Form
Honors Program
Library Book Order
Named Scholarships
New Employee Hiring and Set-up Checklist
Student Success
Textbook Order Form
Travel Pre-Approval Form
Undergraduate Leadership Program
January Report
WP 2:326
Annual performance evaluations are designed to prepare a faculty member for the periodic peer review relating to rank promotion and continuous appointment. The time frame for the annual review is the calendar year and are referred to as the January Report. The report 1) reviews the professional development goals in the areas of teaching, scholarly work and service, 2) addresses the individual faculty advance plan, 3) provides the current professional resume, 3) provides the Annual Faculty Activity Report (FAR, Office of Scholarly Research), and if applicable, 4) provides the Graduate Faculty Status Review for the School of Graduate Studies. The faculty member submits the completed form to the Chair, the faculty member and chair review the report together, and then the report is submitted to the CAS Dean's office.
Advancement in Rank and Continuous Appointment
WP 2:305-320
Application for advancement in rank or for continuous appointment includes a Faculty Member Self-Appraisal, a Department Chairperson's Appariasal of Faculty Member. Be sure to review the criteria for promotion and the criteria for scholarship, service and teaching. You can access this information online at in the academic file.
Request for Employment of Part-time or Contract Teachers
WP 2:139
If there is a need for a part-time teacher to teach one or more courses and such teaching has been provided for in the budget. Provide the dean all contracts prior to the beginning of the semester. The same form is used for an on-campus or off-campus music teacher teaching private lessons on a commission basis. NOTE: A vita must be attached to the Contract for Employment of Part-time or Commissioned Teachers.
Faculty Peer Evaluation Form
The Faculty Peer Evaluation Form is used for conducting peer reviews. These become part of a faculty members binder for rank & tenure.
Filling Faculty Vacancies
WP 2:142
The dean calls the department together to choose a search committee. One member of the committee must be from another school of the university appointed by the dean. If the position involved graduate faculty responsibilities, the CAS assistant dean for graduate programs is to be included. When a department chair vacancy occurs, in addition to an appointment from another school, the dean shall also appoint a chair from another department to be part of the committee. This committee is responsible for soliciting and reviewing applications, interviewing appropriately qualified candidates, and recommending to the dean the preferred candidate for employment.
Permission must be obtained from the dean's office in order to post the position by using the Intent to Fill form which can be accessed online at in the employment file. The position must be posted by using the Job Posting Form and can be accessed on the human resources webpage. Once the committee decides who to recommend, the Recommendation for Appointment Form (RAF) is to be provided to the dean. You can access the RAF online, on the human resources page.
Request for Faculty Services Off Campus
WP 2:147
If a teacher's temoprary service is desired by an institution outside the university, and this service involves more than occasional lectures, consultation, etc., approval must be obtained from the chair, the dean, the provost, and the president. In certain special situations when a faculty member has been appointed to a GC/Union/Conference committee, the dean may provide a travel subsidy for travel. Submit an expense report to obtain reimbursement. To access the expense report go to the Office of Financial Records webpage and click on Expense Report in the Quick Links box.
Student Opinion of Teaching
Courses are to be evaluated every semester. A departmental list which includes, the number of students in each class, whether the class is team taught, and method of evaluation perferred, should be submitted to the Dean's office by mid-term week of the current semester. The online method is highly preferred. We expect to phase out the paper evaluation once instructors become familiar with the online evaluation method. Instructors who need to personalize the evaluation form for particular needs of the course, should work with the chairperson for the development of any personalized questions. The Center for Distance Learning and Instructional Technology provides training and support for the on-line method.
For the paper method, special care must be taken to observe instructions as to the teacher's presence in the classroom and delivery of the evaluations to the dean's office. For the online method special care must be taken to obtain a significant response rate.
The chairperson will review these results with each instructor during the annual January Report evaluation. Notes of affirmation are appreciated by instructors with above-average ratings. Memos confirming conversations between the chairperson and instructors about plans for improvement on low marks are also appropriate and advisable.
Expense Report - Travel Authorization, etc.
WP 2:770
Professional travel budgets are a line item in each department's budget. Chairs are responsible to authorize reimbursement for professional travel or administrative travel within the limits of the yearly travel budgets. The chair should be sure that sufficient funds exist in the travel budget, before giving such an authorization or signing the reimbursement report. Following the trip the faculty member fills out the Monthly Expense Report for all variable costs (mileage, lodging, per diem, etc.) and submits it to the chair for approval of reimbursement. Expense reports submitted by the chair are given to the dean for approval of reimbursement. To access the expense report go to the Office of Financial Records webpage and click on Expense Report in the Quick Links box .
Off Campus Educational Experience - Tours, Field Trip, Practicum
WP 2:420
Recognizing the value that a well-planned and well-directed off-campus educational experience adds to a student's total enrichment, Andrews University provides the opportunity for departments and schools to offer study tours, field trips, and group practicum.
Study Tour: A Study Tour is defined as an off-campus educational experience that takes place outside a regularly scheduled fall or spring semester session and for which credits offered are not related to a course taught during such a semester and for which a student has not or will not in the future register and pay regular tuition within a semester's financial plan.
Off-Campus Field Trip: A Field Trip is defined as an extended off-campus educational experience of more than one day that is related to a course for which the student has registered and paid tuition during a regular semester, has attended or will attend course-related sessions during the semester, and for which this educational experience is included to fulfill course requirements and enhance the student's learning experience.
For Field Trips, transportation department forms should be included. Any rental must be in conjunction with a University-sponsored event. Driver requirements must be met prior to renting a vehicle. Please contact the Transportation Department for details. Allow at least five days for processing. Fifteen-passenger vans will not be rented by Andrews University.
Group Practicum Experience: A Group Practicum Experience is defined as an educational experience that is located at a specific off-campus location or locations, which allows a group of students to study and apply knowledge gained in a specified academic area, under the guidance of an Andrews University faculty member or practicing professional approved by Andrews University. This category does not include clinical experiences and internships that are a required part of an academic or professional program scheduled under a suprevisor as a one-on-one experience such as, physical therapy, nursing, medical technology, and departmental internships.
Departments interested in offering an Off-Campus Educational Experience shall first contact the College of Arts and Sciences Assistant to the Dean, for forms and requirements, which correlates with the specific type of off campus educational experience. Along with the forms, a budget must be approved by the CAS Dean. The proposal will then be submitted to the Tours Committee for final approval.
These requests are to be approved and recorded one year and no less than six months (6) months in advance for study tours and practicum experiences, and at least two months (2) weeks in advance for field trips.
Academic Dishonesty/Integrity Policy and Report
In harmony with its mission statement, Andrews University expects students to demonstrate the ability to think clearly and exhibit personal moral integrity in every sphere of life. Honesty in all academic matters is a vital component of personal integrity, which explains why breaches in academic integrity principles are taken seriosuly by the University.
Course Syllabi
WP 2:415
A current syllabus for each course taught in a department should be uploaded into iVue no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of a term. It is the responsibility of each fauclty member to keep his/her syllabi up-dated. A syllabus template is available on iVue. It is advantageous of the faculty to use the syllabus template as it is already formatted to the suggested language and ideas necessary for syllabi.
Currciular Changes in Programs and Course Offerings
Curriculum changes should be edited in Acalog. Information on bulleting editing timelines, a workflow diagram, video and written tutorials, training and open lab registration, downloads, and important links can be found at
Off-Campus Educational Experiences
See section entitled Off Campus Educational Experience - Tours, Field Trip, Practicum.
Request for Schedule Change
The class schedule should be planned carefully each year so as to avoid conflicts for teachers and students. If you know that students are likely to take a course offered in your department, the same year that they take a particular cognate requirement in another department, be sure to consult with the chairman of that department to avoid potential conflicts before submitting the proposed class schedule to the Dean. Furthermore, when there are two or more sections of the same class, both morning and afternoon sections should be scheduled. The chairman also needs to schedule classes throughout the day and not just at the most popular hours.
The Request for Class Schedule Change form is used to correct mistakes or conflicts, which sometimes arise in spite of careful planning. The chair completes the form and submits it to the Dean. In no case should teachers arrange for different times for a scheduled course without consulting with the chair and having a schedule change form filed in the dean's office.
Cancellation of Course Offerings
If the registration for a class falls below a minimum level of efficiency, that class section or class offering should be canceled using the Request for Schedule Change form. This is done near the end of the Drop/Add period of each registration. Generally, classes itnended for groups should not be offered if there are fewer than 5 students enrolled for upper division or graduate courses and fewer than 10 students in lower division courses. Consult with the dean about questionable situations.
Application for 33% Tuition Reduction
This form is filled out by a student who has already earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited school and who wishes to earn additional undergraduate credit in the College of Arts and Sciences. This special tuition rate is applicable to on-campus courses and only where space is available in a class and hiring of new faculty or staff is not required. Certain courses, including music lessons, independent study, medical technology, physical therapy, etc., are not included for this reduction. This form must be turned in to the dean, prior to the beginning of the Semester for which the tuition reduction is requested.
Application for Graduation
A special packet of material must be filled out and submitted to the Records Office by all graduating seniors as early in their senior year as possible, preferably at the time of the fall registration, but no later than the first Wednesday in October for December or May graduation or the second Wednesday of May for summer graduation. The necessary forms can be found on The Office of Academic Records website under the Student Resources tab in the top left of the page. The department chair (or a designated faculty member) is responsible for senior advising and works with each senior in planning his/her program to fulfill all requirements for graduation. A separate form is used for graduate students to apply for graduation and is available from the Records Office.
During the semester prior to graduation, the Records Office prepares a list of prospective graduates which is distributed to all chairs. This list is submitted to the entire CAS faculty for vote of approval to graduate. The chair is responsible to inform the Records Office of any student listed who is unlikely to complete requirements for graduation. The Records Office will then remove that name from the list.
Curriculum Advising and Program Planning (CAPP)
CAPP is a tool for comparing a student's coursework, against a specific set of program requirements needed to complete both their major and graduation requirements under a specific bulletin year. The analysis will answer questions such as:
Change in Registration Form, Drop/Add Form
The Change in Registration Form, commonly known as the Drop/Add Form, is used by the student to make any changes in registration. The student needs to secure the signature of his/her advisor. Students on academic probation or whose admission was provisional, must secure the associate/assistant dean's signature. Students taking an overload must also secure the dean's signature. Approval is not given for loads of more than 18 credits, unless the student as previously completed the work of some part of the load, or in cases where the student is only 1 or 2 semesters away from graduation and must have the overlaod to complete on time.
Students need to watch very closely the deadline dates each semester after which no class can be added for credit or no class can be dropped and the student receives the grade earned. Departmental reminders are often helpful.
This form can be picked up at the Records Office or the Deans Office.
Student Exit Procedure Form (Dropping out of School)
A student who is completely dropping out of school needs to complete a Student Exit Procedure Form. The Student Exit Procedure Form can be found on the Office of Academic Records website under the Student Resources tab in the left menu box. Click on forms in the left hand menu box. There you will see a list of forms. Click on Student Exit Procedure Form.
Class Conflict Form
The Class Conflict Form is used only under unusual circumstances where even after careful planning a student must take two classes that are scheduled to meet a portion of the time simultaneously. Because the computer will not allow a student to register for two overlapping classes, this form has been developed to let a student over-ride the computer, after working out with both teachers that the requirements of both classes will be completed in its entirety.
The Class Conflict Form can be found on the Office of Academic Records website under the Student Resources tab in the left menu box. Click on forms in the left hand menu box. There you will see a list of forms. Click on Class Conflict Form.
Class Roster
Class Roster is now located in iVue. Once you login to Vault/Account Access you then select iVue, followed by View Class Rosters.
Within this section, you will have to select the term and then if you are logged in as a chairperson you will select - all classes in my domain. If logged in as a teacher, you will select - all classes you teach icon. For your convenience you can also convert your iVue class roster list to pdf.
Other options within this section include:
- sending out individual or group emails to students
- view the students iVue profile
- post an Alert (Flagging System)
- post a midterm report
The teacher is requested to review and provide any correction to the Academic Records Office. It is imperative that you maintain your class roster accurate throughout the semester. A department chairman should make sure that each teacher in his/her department has an accurate class roster.
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
A student wishing to take a CLEP (College Level Examination Program) test, may obtain an application from the Counseling and Testing Center. The center administers the CLEP examinations on Tuesday and Wednesday of the third week of each month. Tests must be taken the first year of residence of the freshman, sophomore, or junior year. The scores required for earning credit, the subjects available, and other information about CLEP appears in the CLEP brochure or in the Bulletin. This brochure, in its entirety, is not provided because of length. However, the "Descriptions of the CLEP Examinations" section is included in order to provide information about the subject, and general examinations available through CLEP. The entire CLEP brochure is obtained from the Counseling and Testing Office in Bell Hall. (The University has also approved accepting credit in the DANTES testing program.)
The AU CLEP Registration Form can be found at the Center for Counseling & Testing website under the Testing tab in the left menu box.
Credit-by-Examination Brochure
This brochure, updated frequently, gives information about the Credit-by-Examination programs offered at Andrews University. These include the Advanced Placement Program (APP) and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).
The Credit-by-Examination brochure can be found on the Office of Academic Records website under the Student Resources tab in the left menu box.
Credit-by-Examination Form
When a student with permission of the department chairman successfully passes an examination covering content of a regular course offered in the department, the teacher and department chairman will sign this Credit-by-Examination form and send it to the Dean for approval, who in turn sends it on to the Records Office.
Credit-by-examination cannot be earned the last quarter before graduation without permission of the Dean and approval of the department chairman. The fees required are published in the Financial Bulletin. The Credit-by-Examination form can be found on the Office of Academic Records website under the Student Resources tab in the left menu box.
Grade Report
Grade Reports are now submitted through iVue. Once you login to Vault/Account Access you then select iVue, followed by Grade Submission. Within this section, you are able to submit grades, enter incomplete contracts and manage grade submission proxies.
Final grades are usually due the week following the last day of class of the current semester. You will find the exact date grades are due listed in the academic calendar section of the current bulletin. Facutly are expected not to leave for vacation or other travel until they have fulfilled this responsibility.
The department chairperson needs to see that each teacher has turned in their grades by the deadline given. The Academic Records Office works with the dean's office to locate these missing grades if possible. The chairperson will be responsible to locate the faculty member and arrange for the grades to be submitted. If the chairperson is planning on leaving campus after exams, assure that all grades have been turned in prior to departure.
Faculty who are forgetful about this point may receive a memo from the dean. This is because of the negative consequences affecting the student whose grade is missing. Student grades are posted immediately after the deadline for receiving grades from the instructor. If an instructor fails to turn in a grade report, a student will receive an X grade, which invokes several disadvantages, not to mention annoyance, for the student. X-grade transcripts automatically delete the student's name from eligibility for that semester's Dean's List. Students needing transcripts for application to professional and graduate programs will not receive a valid GPA on their transcript if they have an X-grade. (See Working Policy #2:440)
Instructor Approval Card (Independent Study or Blue Card)
This process can be completed online. Go to Vault/Account Access and choose the Registration tab on the left hand side of the screen. Click the Overrides tab from the menu on the left hand side of the screen, select a semester, and click Instructor Permission.
Petition Form (Academic)
A student requesting waivers, substitutions, other changes from published academic requirements or requesting permission to take work by correspondence at another school, fills out this permission form, secures the department chair's signature if the request relates to major, minor, or concentration requirements, and submits the form to the dean for consideration.
This form can be accessed on Click on the Student Resources tab from the menu on the left hand side of the screen, the select the tab Forms. Click on the link for Undergraduate Petition.
Incomplete Contracts in iVue
Petitions to Receive an Incomplete are now to be found in iVue. Go to Vault/Account Access and choose the Registrar tab on the left hand side of the screen. Then choose the Grade Submission tab. This request indicates that the student's work is incomplete for a given semester because of illness or unavoidable circumstances. Medical documentation should be expected as justification for approving an Incomplete.
Incompletes are not appropriate for below-passing work or for a student's inability to submit the required work because of negligience or procrastination. For further discussion, see the Bulletin. Petition to receive an incomplete must be submitted with the semester grades, including the grade to be received if the missing work is not done, and the deadline by which the work must be submitted. Usually, this should be within the following regular semester. The student must be informed either at the time of submission or by mail. This is essential to prevent later legal liability or grade disputes. For certain specified courses, such as independent study and research, a Deferred Grade (DG) may be recorded.
The chairperson should discuss with the departmental faculty, especially new faculty, the appropriate strategies to use in assigning Incompletes, Withdrawals, or letter grades in cases of students with missing work or poor performance.
Request for Grade Change
Occasionally an instructor makes a mistake in figuring a grade, has overlooked work submitted by a student, or makes an error in recording the grade.
Generally, only instructor errors are the basis for approval of grade changes. Correction of the grade should be made as quickly as possible after the teacher discovers the problem. In no case should requests be made for grade changes later than two semesters following the semester when the course was offered.
When a grade needs to be changed, the teacher fills out the Request for Grade Change form and submits it to the Dean for approval.
Transcript Request
Students desiring an official transcript from Andrews University need to fill out this Transcript Request form and submit it to the Records Office. No transcript can be issued without the written signature of the student. Transfer credits are not shown on the official transcript until after the student has graduated.
Transcript request forms can be accessed at Click on the Alumni & Former Students tab from the menu on the left hand side of the screen, then select the tab Transcript Requests. Click on the link for Transcript Request Form.
Provisional Status Action Plan
Graduate students who are missing GRE/GMAT/TOEFL scores, official transcripts, or who have been on provisional status for two semesters may have academic registration holds that keep them from registering for classes. The dean of the school can temporarily list the academic registration holds in order to allow the student to register, once a Provisional Status Action Plan is filled out by the student and signed by the student's academic advisor. The Action Plan describes how the student will fulfill the missing requriements in a timely manner.
Students, advisors, and department chairs can see the listing of registration holds by clicking on"View Holds" on the student's iVue page. Outstanding provisions are also listed on the student's iVue page: Under "Student Status", click on the "Provisional" button and each outstanding provision will appear.
Change of Status Form
For graduate students accepted on "provisional status", a change of status form must be completed in order to achieve "regular status". Provisions established by Graduate Admissions (GRE/GMAT/TOEFL testing and missing transcripts) are taken care of internally by Graduate Admissions, and no Change of Status Form is needed. All other provisions, established by the school or the department (e.g. prerequisite courses, departmental entrance examinations, minimum GPA for first semester, etc.) must have a Change of Status Form completed by the department and signed by the school dean. Please submit Change of Status forms for students whenever any one (or more) provision is met - do not wait until all provisions are met to remove any provision.
Students, advisors, and department chairs can see the list of oustanding provisions on the student's iVue page. Under "Student Status", click on the "Provisional" button and each outstanding provision will appear.
Graduate Petition
A student requesting waivers, substitutions, or other changes from published academic requirements or requesting permission to take work by correspondence or at another school, fills out this permission form, secures the department chair's signature if the request relates to major, minor, or concentration requirements, and submits the form to the dean for consideration.
This form can be accessed on There you will see a list of forms. Click on Graduate Petition.
Transfer Credit Form
For undergraduate students, transfer courses are automatically articulated by the Registrar's office once they receive official transcripts of coursework taken elsewhere. The department is involved only in answering articulation questions the Registrar's office might have regarding individual courses. For graduate students, however, the department must submit a Transfer Credit Form for any transfer courses to count towards the graduate degree. No courses receiving a grade lower than a B are allowed to transfer, and no more than 20% of the credit requirements for the degree may be transferred. (Additional credits may be transferred, but they may not count towards the minimum credits required for the degree.
Advancement to Candidacy with Course Check Sheet
Advancement to Candidacy forms, along with the attached Course Check Sheet must be turned in for master's students upon completion of 50% of the course requirements for the degree, but at the latest by the start of the final semester in the program.
This form can be accessed on There you will see a list of forms. Click on Advancement to Candidacy.
Couse Change / Course Update Request
Any changes to the student's course schedule from the Course Check Sheet turned in upon advancement to candidacy must be noted on a Change of Program Form.
This form can be accessed on There you will see a list of forms. Click on Course Change / Course Update Request.
Completion of Comprehensive Exam
Used by the evaluators of comprehensive exams. This form can be accessed on There you will see a list of forms. Click on Report of Comprehensive Examination Result.
Completion of Project
Submit this official documentation of project completion to the Records Office. This form can be accessed on There you will see a list of forms. Click on Report of Completion of Project.
Budget Worksheet
The department chairperson is asked to prepare/review a budget request for the following fiscal year (beginning May 1) usually in September/October of the current year. This budget request form is an itemized listing of each departmental expense, and is subject to the approval fo the dean of arts and sciences. The chair should consult with the dean about hte proposed changes and their justification prior to submitting the final budget.
Financial Statements
The department chair will receive a financial report, on a monthly basis, itemizing the financial activity for each line item in the department budget for the previous month. The statement has a summary page and detail pages showing what each expenditure or income was attributed to. The chair should carefully review this report for accuracy and should also review the balance in each account. Questions about items ont eh statement which appear in error or confusing should be made to the chief accountant.
Careful review of the monthly statement will assist the chair in making the appropriate decisions related to budget expenditures and future budget requests.
Purchase Requisitions and Capital Expenditures
The department chair is responsible for approving all purchases from the departmental budget. These purchases are initiated on a Purchase Requisition form which is generated using the Purchase Requisition software. To install this software, contact the Purchasing Department. The department chair should see that purchases are within the department budget before signing the Purchase Requisition. Equipment purchases (items over $2500) must have approval of the Capital Expenditure Committee before being submitted to the Purchasing Office. Only in special circumstances will the CFO approve equipment purchases without the approval of the Capital Expenditure Committee.
Inter-Department Charge Voucher - IDC
This form is used to transfer funds from one department to another when an appropriate transaction has taken place on campus (e.g. one department performs a service for another department for which there is no charge). The Department Chair should also monitor requests on a monthly basis for such services to be sure that they are within budgetary constraints.
Loss Control Procedures
Key Authorization and Monitoring
When faculty members or student workers need keys to offices or classrooms within a department, the chairman signs a key authorization card. Faculty and staff may be approved to receive departmental sub-master keys; the providing of submasters to student workers is unecessary in most cases. The approved key authorization card can then be taken to the key distribution center in the Administration Building. Approval of exterior building door keys require the additional signature of the dean.
The chair is responsible of monitoring the security of keys issued to individuals within the department. The following elements of "good practice" in key monitoring have been adopted by the chairs of the College:
Key Control
a. Key authation card must have both chair's signature and departmental stamp. Cross off all unused lines.
b. The chair should monitor the return of keys to Plant Management when employees are terminated. A current key list may be requested from Plant Management. Loss control suggests that chairs ask student employees for their keys and return them directly.
c. Maintain a departmental inventory of all keys authorized and retrieved.
d. Use a special memo to request Campus Safety to open departmental doors for student workers during evening or weekend hours, rather than issue students submaster keys.
Locking Up Department
a. Regularly encourage faculty to lock their offices when they are not working in them.
b. Develop and implement a security check and lock-up procedure to be used at the end of each working day.
c. Store audio-visual equipment in locked cabinets or other locked, secure space.
d. Label (use permanent marker or other permanent inscribing) each piece of computer hardware with the university name and a departmental identification (mail code, room no., etc.). Ask AIS to install computer locking devices.
e. Secure all high-risk areas with storage room locks which automatically re-lock when a key is used to open.
Other Security
Maintain an inventory within department of high-risk items, including make, model, and serial numbers. At time of paying invoice for new equipment, put serial numbers on invoice or send memo to Accounting: Inventory Clerk.
If Loss Occurs
a. Request the assistance of Campus Safety to investigate scene immediately after a loss is discovered. Don't touch surfaces of equipment, counters, windows, etc. -- fingerprints may be needed. Don't "straighten up" the mess if office has been disrupted until Campus Safety releases it from the investigation. Important clues may be found.
b. Complete a Property Loss Report and provide it to the Treasurer within 5 working days of loss.
Reimbursement of Losses
a. Signs of forcible entry. Reimbursement will be provided to the department using the same guidelines which an insurance company would have used had the loss exceeded the university's property insurance deductible. Reimbursement to the department will be subject to a $100 deductible and a 5% copayment to a maximum of $500 expense to the department.
b. Where there is no sign of forcible entry. Reimbursement will be provided as described above with the following provisions:
- The department chair can show that the security provisions described above ("good practice") where in place prior to the loss.
- Only one such occurrence per department per year would be reimbursible.
- Reimbursement for this type of loss will be provided from a contingency fund that is established using contributions from each department's equipment budget. No losses would be covered once the fund was depeted, but money left in the fund at the end of the year would carryover for the same fund in the next year.
- A Campus Safety report will accompany the request for reimbursement.
c. Loss of personal property. Personal property which is necessary to fulfill an employee's job responsibilities should be listed with the Treasurer's office to protect it from loss. An application must be submitted to the Treasurer prior to the loss for isnurance coverage to apply. Insurance protection with a $250 deductible is availble for an outside insurance firm. If a loss occurs where there is no sign of forcible entry, the Treasurer will ask the insurance company to adjudicate the claim. The insurance company will ask for evidence of "good practice" (as above) to discover the departmental conditions exisitng at the time of the loss.
Permit to be in a Building after Hours
Because of problems in having unauthorized individuals in our buildings after the building is supposed to be locked for hte night, the deans have been assigned the responsibility of signing passes for authorized students to be in the building after closing hours. If a student has the chairperson's permission to work late in a building, the student should be directed to the Dean's office to secure one of these permits. Otherwise campus safety will ask the student to leave.
Campus Safety officers are authorized to determine the identification of any individual under circumstances which are unusual. An officer may request to see an i.d. for a new faculty member, a staff member or a student to verify that they are an employee of the university.
Payroll Reports
If you need access to any of the following reports, the chair should send an email to requesting access and provide your email user name. Department chairs are set up as the primary timekeeper for their department and administrative assistants, in most departments, are secondary timekeepers. Contact Payroll if you have any questions.
Shows everyone who is paid through the department - all categories (salaried, hourly, contracts). It is a good idea that someone in the department checks this quarterly to make sure that only the people working for the department are charged to the department. Contact Payroll if you find errors.
Termination Form (student workers/hourly staff/grad assistants who swipe)
Please remember to terminate student workers that are no longer working for your department. This includes graduate assistants that were swiping. Please note that graduate assistants who swipe are not automatically terminated in the Payroll system once the total money awarded on the graduate assistantship form has been reached.
Total control of a given building or departmental spaces for use by others for convention or similar non-academic purposes resides with the buidling director or dean of the department occupying that facility on a regular basis. In buildings housing more than one department, the building director shall consult with the appropriate chair. Accordingly, all requests are directed to the relevant dean or buidling director. Preference in facility usage shall be given to normal university academic activities. Each department is allowed to block out areas which are not available for reservation.
The dean shall appoint building managers as contact persons and supervisors for approved and scheduled events. The building manager shall use the Building Management System or issue a key, when appropriate, when a reservation is made. The building manager will work with custodial to ensure that the facility is left reasonably clean, and that breakage of equipment or faciltiies is reported. The building manager and custodial use the ULC Guidelines to assess the condition of the facility at the conclusion of the event.
Facility Rental Agreement Form
Every patron/rentor shall be required to complete and sign a standard ULC Reservations Application which outlines the conditions of renting (including possible cancellation if an emergency need occurred for the university's own use), cost for the facility, equipment rental if applicable, deposit required, name and telephone number of the building monitor assigned to them, breakage or custodial charges, and expectations on the condition in which facilities are to be left at the end of the rental period. The Form also informs patrons/renters on the functions of the building monitors.
All requests are to be responded to with confirmation memos from the building director or dean, or by Convention Services if they have arranged for the space with the building director/dean.
Rental Charges and Security Deposits
a. Usage charges include rent of the facility and cost of the building monitor. Current lists of charges are maintained by Convention Services and the respective school deans.
b. The building director or dean is responsible for collecting rental fees and deposits. Where Convention Services acts as the coordinating agency for groups overnighting on-campus, it shall collect both rental fees and security deposits for the relevant building director/dean, and shall keep records of all such reservations and collections. The rental funds collected shall remain with the department or school involved; if Convention Services has made the arrangements, ti shall receive 15% of the actual rental fee.
c. Waiver of Rental Fees. No room charges (except when food is used) are levied for the use of classrooms and auditoriums in any academic department for the following purposes:
- Any class or workshop where university credit is given and tuition is charged (full or discounted) by Andrews University.
- Any official administrative meeting scheduled by the university.
- Any student meeting of a university-sponsored student organization or student group that has approval from the Student Services Office and/or has faculty or staff sponsorship.
- Any community or other organization that has a special relationship with the university (e.g. General Conference, Lake Union Conference, any local Conference within the Lake Union territory, North American Division) or with the particular department or school. Exemptions are made by the dean or building director involved. Individual departments or schools shall give Convention Services a list of established exceptions. Users listed above will be expected to give a security deposit; failure to leave the facility in it's beginning condition will result in forfeiture of the deposit.
d. There are room charges for frequent usage by any group who otherwise would not be charged for usage. Frequent usage is defined as use more than 3 times in one year, and the charges to such groups is the cost of the building monitor.
e. All other guests, seminars, conference, etc., will be charged standard rental fees. Convention services may create a package price for those using dormitory facilities, but the package price msut cover the actual cost of the building monitor, equipment rental, and provide a security deposit for breakage and custodial services.
f. Charges and/or refundable deposits may be determined and levied by the building director for special services related to the use of academic spaces. Such services would include (a) set-up of facilities; (b) rent of audio-visual equipment or services; and (c) cleanup, including cleaning surfaces, removing trash, rearranging furniture, etc.
g. It is expected that any facility which is rented should be left in the condition in which it was found. Charges for repairs or custodial services needed for university classes or university administrative meetings are covered by rental fee income from other users. Damages or custodial services will be covered by forfeiture of the deposit.
The chair is responsible to call and preside over department meetings, draft the agenda and approve the minutes. Departmental sessions should be called at least once a month if not byweekly. Regular minutes are to be recorded. Each department chairman should appoint a secretary to keep the minutes and should see that the minutes are distributed to the following offices: College Dean and when appropriate to the Director of records, who keeps the official university records of minutes.
The agenda may include topics such as:
- Teaching aims and techniques
- Faculty research
- Departmental courses and program changes
- Clerical and research assistance
- Class schedule of departmental offerings
- Selection of texts and teacher aids
- Suggestions for books and periodicals for the library
- Departmental equipment
- Recommendations for new faculty appointments
- Topics of general professional or departmental interest
- Other as needed
Materials may be provided to students without charge up to 20 pages of duplicated/offset material per student per class. All other classroom materials are to be sold to students through the university bookstore. Faculty members should not sell classroom materials directly to students for profit. The department chairman is responsible for keeping within the duplicating budget for the year.
When ordering books through the library you are asked to obtain a copy of the catalog ad with book information, circle the book(s) to be purchased, and send the copy to your library liason. Each department receives budget for library books each year. A monthly statement comes out that shows how much each department has spent, how much is on order, how much should have been ordered by that particular date, and how much of the budget remains for the year.
WP 2:447
The College of Arts and Sciences has a number of named scholarships that can be awarded to worthy students each year. Departments that have endowed scholarship money are asked each year to give to the dean the names of students that the department wishes to nominate to receive the schoalrship money. These awards are announced in the spring at the annual awards assembly and in the Student Movement.
WP 2:471
At designated times prior to the beginning of each semester, the bookstore sends to each teacher textbook order requests. Department chairperson should make sure that each teacher has ordered textbooks no later than 60 days before the beginning of the semester in which the books are to be used. When there are problems in book selection, the chair should work with the individual teacher.
Before permission is granted for a student to take a final examination at a time other than that scheduled in the Class Schedule, a student must submit this form with the teacher's signature to the dean for consideration.
Use this form to get pre-approval for any overnight travel and/or for any travel that will cause you to miss a class.
Honors Program
Information concerning the Honors Program is explained in the link above. All forms connected with the Honors Program are found at the above link. If you have any questions about the Honors Program, please contact the Honors Director.
Undergraduate Leadership Program
Information concerning the Undergraduate Leadership Program is explained in the link above.
Student Success
The Student Success offers many services including Academic Intervention, Academic Advising Advisor Assignmnet, Academic Probation Student Management, Success Advising (Bridge students), General Studies Degree Programs, Tutoring Services, Disability Accommodations, College Success Workshops, and Placement Services. Information concerning Student Success is explained on the link above. All forms connected with Student Success are found at the above link.
Academic Probation Student Management
A student is placed on Academic Probation in the College of Arts & Sciences when one or more of the following conditions apply:
1.The cumulative Andrews University GPA is lower than 2.00
2.The semester GPA is lower than 1.50
3.A combination of 3 or more W's, I's, or grades lower than a C for any given semester.
This program ensures that students have ample time to concentrate on their courses and develop personal habits for greater success in future terms.
Risk Management Travel Policy
Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement for Day Trip
Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement for Multiple Day Trips Classes & Groups
Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement for Overnight Trips
Professional Membership Reimbursement Form
Professional Memberships 2:378:1
Faculty are reimbursed to an annually stated maximum for professional memberships. A receipted bill or other evidence of payment should be submitted with the membership expense report form provided.
The stated maximum is currently $75.